Je mi velkou ctí pozvat do Prahy svého australského učitele ajurvédy ze Sydney pane doktora Shauna Matthewse, který mne před téměř dvaceti lety učil v rámci jógového učitelského výcviku na Nature Care Colledge. Pan doktor Matthews je praktický lékař, který ve své praxi pracuje s principy ajurvédy. Má bohaté celoživotní zkušenosti s kombinací klasické západní medicíny s celostními ajurvédskými postupy. Kromě lékařské praxe se Dr. Matthews věnuje také výuce jógy a pořádá léčebné ajurvédské pobyty v indické Kerale.

V sobotu 12. října 2024 povede v Praze workshop určený pouze pro ženy a vedený v angličtině na téma Healing from Adrenal fatigue for women.
V neděli 13. října 2024 povede workshop pro ženy i muže na téma Living in tune with your Ayurvedic body type.

Oba workshopy se budou konat v Karlíně od 10:00 do 16:00 hodin.
Od 12:00 do 13:00 hodin bude přestávka na oběd. V okolí je k dispozici mnoho kaváren a restaurací.
Workshopy budou v angličtině bez překladu do češtiny.
Maximální počet účastníků na každém workshopu je 25 osob.
Cena každého workshopu je EUR 180.
Pro přihlášení, prosím, pište na email tere.bohmova (@)
Níže najdete podrobnosti v angličtině k oběma workshopům.

Healing from Adrenal Fatigue – a one day workshop for women.

Do you feel like you’re running on empty a lot of the time? Do you wake up feeling unrefreshed from your sleep? Do you find that that you catch any bug that’s going around? Do you suffer from low mood and anxiety for no obvious reason? When you see your family doctor with these kind of symptoms do all the tests come back as normal?

It is possible that you may be suffering from adrenal fatigue, a disorder that is well recognised in traditional medical systems such as Ayurveda, naturopathy and traditional Chinese medicine. This one day workshop offers a holistic approach to boosting your energy, taking control of your health and well-being and reclaiming your joie de vivre.

Dr Shaun Matthews will guide through how modern medicine understands the physiology of the adrenal glands and what you can do to support your adrenals and recharge your energy levels. Drawing from Ayurveda, yoga and meditation you will learn about the root causes of adrenal fatigue and be given practical tools to support healing and enhance wellbeing.

This one day workshop will take you through four primary tools to reclaim your vitality and zest for life.

  • You will be given holistic map to recovery and learn how to prevent energy leakage in the first place.
  • You will learn how to care for and nourish your adrenals and balance your hormones using simple life style adjustments, self-care practices and supplements.
  • You will learn how to use food as medicine and how to use it to balance your emotions and support your immune system.
  • You will be guided through healthy routines for the day and night to enable you to spring into your day and to promote more restful sleep.

The workshop will conclude with an hour long session where we will look at how to integrate this knowledge into a busy modern life. There will be time for your questions as well as information on how to resource yourself moving forward. It is the intention behind this workshop to give you a clear and practical pathway to create a life you love!

Living in tune with your Ayurvedic body type.

Why is that some of us can sniff a lettuce leaf and put on weight, while others can eat like a horse and lose weight? Why do some of us feel the cold intensely and revel in warm tropical climates and others can’t wait for winter to arrive? Why do some of us exercise so easily in the morning and others can’t be bothered and would rather have breakfast in bed? Why is it that some of us need a duvet in summer and others are throwing off their sheets at night and love air conditioning?

It’s clear that we are not all the same. This fact is well understood in Ayurveda, the traditional system of healing in India, a sister science of Yoga. Ayurveda recognises three basic body types – wind, fire and earth types. This workshop will help you to identify your Ayurvedic body type and how to create a diet and lifestyle in line with your body type, helping you to feel more balanced and energetic as you move through your day. Living in line with your Ayurvedic body type is also a great way to proactively manage your health and to prevent illness from developing in the first place.

In this workshop you will learn about what foods and drinks are right for your body type, as well as what types of exercise and yoga practices are best suited for your constitution. You will also be introduced to Ayurvedic self-care practices, such as self-oil massage, that promote health and wellbeing. The day will include experiential exercises to help you integrate this knowledge into your daily routine and there will be ample time for Q and A at the end of the workshop.


Dr Shaun Matthews is a general practitioner from Sydney, Australia who as also trained in Ayurveda and Yoga teacher training in India. He blends complementary medicine with modern medicine in his clinical practice in the treatment of chronic illness and the promotion of wellbeing. He has been teaching Ayurveda, the traditional system of healing in India, at a college of natural therapies in Sydney for over 25 years and is the author of two books, Journeys in Healing and The art of balanced living. He was a lecturer at the University of New South Wales in the School of Public Health and Community Medicine from 1992 until 2005.